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Sound Mat
Sound mat is installed underneath a gypsum-cement underlayment to control noise. Impact insulation class ratings, or IIC, for an apartment or condo project is crucial for customers seeking to lower sound transmission between floors. We provide a variety of sound mat options for every budget.
Sound Mat Products:
USG SAM-N12 (1/8") USG SAM-N25 (1/4") USG SRM-25 (1/4")
USG SRB Board (3/8") USG SAM-N40 (3/8") USG SAM-N25 Ultra (5/16")

<--Levelrock Brand SAM-N12 (1/8")
<--Levelrock Brand SAM-N25 (1/4")
<--Levelrock Brand SAM-N40 (3/8")
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